
Contact Us: 877-295-0276
1128 Main Street
Blowing Rock NC 28605

On-Site Office
6378 Hwy 221
Blowing Rock, NC 28605

Blue Ridge Mountain charm, a trout-filled stream, and lush rolling landscape energizes every beautiful corner of the SweetGrass Community. Whether gathering with friends and family at the Lake House, kayaking the 22-acre lake, or hiking the South's best alpine hiking trails, the mountain's magic consistently delivers a sense of contentment and endless explorations. Golf courses, parks and recreation areas abound, including 3,900 acre Julian Price Memorial Park. Five hundred miles of scenic Blue Ridge mountains stretch through North Carolina and Virginia for enjoyable daytime excursions, although the rich local culture and small-town charm of historic Blowing Rock are just minutes away. Every season provides a kaleidoscope of recreation choices including the winter months for sledding, ice skating, and skiing.


Community Center The Lake House will serve as the social hub for the community and will offer a unique atmosphere for entertaining and social gatherings. Owners will celebrate a moonrise gathered around a fire pit or relax around the large hearthed fireplace. Planned amenities include docks for kayaks and canoes, a hilltop park for picnics and storytelling around a fire and generous lakeside patio area.

Outdoor Activities The 22-acre SweetGrass Lake will provide opportunities for catching trout, swimming, canoeing and kayaking.

Golf Just minutes away to numerous challenging golf courses.

Lots One to two-acre estate homesites situated on the highest terrain of SweetGrass for amazing views of the Blue Ridge Parkway. Intial pricing from $200,000 to $1,000,000.
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